The reason I plan to create seperate DLL's for extensions and emitters is, they should be loaded dynamically according to the configuration file by reflection. Since there will be many .so files for each extension and emitters I thought its better to create sepereate folders. Aren't there any other ways to overcome this?


Damitha Kumarage wrote:

Hi Dimuthu,
Why do we create a sub folder inside lib called and put codegen libs there. We can just put them in libs folder as we do with other modules. Also I would prefer a single codegen dll in use. Similary we can put the executable directly under deploy/bin.

Dimuthu Gamage wrote:

Sorry about the bad formatting. Corrected one is pasted and attched here.


| | | | | +---------<codegen>configuration files | | | +------<templates> templates only for c
 +------ <lib>
 |         |
 |         |
 |         +-------<codegen>
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<writer>   dll's for writers
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<extensions>  dll's for extensions
 +------ <bin>
 |        |
 |        |
 |        +-------<codegen>
                      +------w2c executable

Dimuthu Gamage wrote:

Thanks for your comment. Then I ll put that in to the subfolder named codegen inside lib and binaries in sameway inside bin. So the installed directory structure would be like this.

| | | +---------<codegen>configuration files | | | | | +------<templates> templates only for c
  +------ <lib>
   |            |
   |            |
   |           +-------<codegen>
   |                            |
   |                            |
   |                           +------<writer>   dll's for writers
   |                            |
   |                            |
   |                           +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
   |                            |
   |                            |
| +------<extensions> dll's for extensions
  +------ <bin>
   |            |
   |            |
   |           +-------<codegen>
                             +------w2c executable


Samisa Abeysinghe wrote:

Given that the Java tool already does Java and C#, do we need those folders. I cannot see anyone form Java world using this C tool to generate Java code.

Also I am not sure of the install structure. Bacically the DLLs should go to the lib folder in $AXIS2C_HOME, not to seperate sub folders. conf files and templates should go into a folder named conf/codegen(or cg gor short)/templates folder.



Dimuthu Gamage wrote:

 Here is the directory structure inside the codegen source

  +-------<c> --- (c templates )
<util>-------this contain utility functions
  |          i.e: XSLT parser wrapper,
  |           configuration loaders,
  |           message loaders,
  |           command line option parsers,
  |           error messages collection,
  |           configuration file
<codegen>-+----classes for codgen engine
         |     (this would load the emitters
         |     and invoke emit according to
         |      command line options and configurations)
      <emitter> - libraries for emitters
         |        (this parse the wsdl ( using woden/c)
         |         and build the intermediate xml to
         |         with xslt
      <writer>----writer libraries for
         |        ( each xsl template related to one writer )
    <extension> - validators and customizations
                  from current configuration
After this is installed, installed components would be in following structure

This is also taken from WSDL2Java source  directory structure.
I hope this is ok. Anyway if I should change the structure, please give your feedback.


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| | | | | +---------<codegen>configuration files | | | +------<templates> templates only for c
 +------ <lib>
 |         |
 |         |
 |         +-------<codegen>
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<writer>   dll's for writers
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<emitter>  dll's for emitters
 |                      |
 |                      |
 |                      +------<extensions>  dll's for extensions
 +------ <bin>
 |        |
 |        |
 |        +-------<codegen>
                      +------w2c executable


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