Kasun Indrasiri wrote:
Hi all,
I have been working on the initial development phase of the JSON
support for Axis2C project. (GSoC 2007 project). I used a JSON Object
model which is available on http://oss.metaparadigm.com/json-c/ and
using that object model I have implemented few components where we can
give the JSON string and get the relevant JSON object. So, any valid
JSON string can be converted to an in-memory JSON object.
Since the JSON string cannot be parsed inline using neither Badgerfish
nor Mapped, conversion of JSON string to JSON object is the initial
stage of the project. After forming the JSON object, the object should
be passed to the StAX parser. I designed a single StAX parser which
can use the either 'Badgerfish' or 'Mapped' conventions to parser the
JSON object and the convention should be initialize when the parser is
creating. Also I thoroughly studied about the two conventions and
areas where we have to be more conscious when we are parsing JSON
I planned to implement the StAX parser for a specific convention as an
initial step. In a generic StAX parser there should be a 'next'
method. So, in this case, as we call the 'next' method the parser
should traverse (or move) through the given JSON object and the
relevant StAX events should be triggered. These days I'm working on
the design and the implementation of that part.
Have you looked into our wrapper API for StAX parsing? I think you should have a look into that API before starting any work on this, because you need to plug that into the Axis2/C engine.
I have few doubts regarding the license JSON-C implementation.

I want to clarify that whether I can use this free JSON-C
implementation with Apache license. Therefore I included the copyright
notice below.
This looks OK to me. However, best is to ask the ASF license specialists, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You can also have a look at the arcives to see if this has been already discussed:
http://issues.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]&by=thread


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