
Do you have a specific usage scenario for the NIO sockets ?
Right now we use blocking sockets in Axis2/C. The code is much simpler
and since we are using threads to distribute the workload no need to
over complicate stuff by adding NIO sockets unless there is a specific
need :).


On 10/25/07, Dumindu Pallewela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > What Type of SSL BIO is used in SSL enabled HTTP Transport?
> >
> It should depend on the socket that is in use by Axis2/C. Please
> refer to the axis2_ssl_utils_initialize_ssl() function in ssl_utils.c.
> > I'm referring to the files,
> > axis2/c/src/core/transport/http/sender/ssl/ssl_*.*
> >
> > What I'm interested in knowing is whether it is blocking or non-blocking
> > or whether it may vary according to the scenario.
> That (i.e., the behavior of Axis2/C sockets) I'm uncertain of.
> However, it seems that SSL client's function depends much on this fact!
> HTH,
> Dumindu.
> --
> Dumindu Pallewela
> GPG ID: 0x9E131672
> WSO2 | | "Oxygenating the Web Service Platform"

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