Hi ,

On Feb 18, 2008 11:31 AM, Samisa Abeysinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tested the source zip on Windows:
> Here are the issues:
> 1. echo_non_blocking fails. This must be fixed before release IMHO
> 2. Why do I get all the *.exe.manifest in the deply/bin/samples folder?
> I do not think they are required when I build form source. Can we please
> drop all the other files, and leave only the exe files in the
> deply/bin/samples folder?

Is anyone working on these issues right now ? I think we could fix these
issues with small modifications :)

> 3. When I run 'echo_rest.exe -h', I get the help that says I can use
> -mGET. But when I run with -mGET, it does return me the html with
> services.

We got issues related to echo_rest samples , both in RC1 and RC2. Shall we
make necessary changes to echo_rest samples and ask developers to give their
feedback before pack it again? Lets try to get no more issues related to
REST sample in RC3 :)

Thoughts ?


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