I'm trying to compile axis2/c in Visual Studios (2008) (using axis2c.sln) and 
it works out well in both release (and debug mode). I'm only using these 
projects: axutil, axis2_parser, axiom, neethi, axis2_engine, axis2_http_sender, 
axis2_httpreceiver, axis2_http_server, axis2_mod_addr. I'm having trouble to 
start the server.

When I try to run the server wich was compiled in release mode it doesn't start 
and the log sais:

[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [info]  Starting Axis2 HTTP server....
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [info]  Apache Axis2/C version in use : 1.5.0
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [info]  Server port : 9090
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [info]  Repo location : ../
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [info]  Read Timeout : 60000 ms
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *request_uri_based_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase 
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *addressing_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the phase 
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *rest_dispatcher added to the index 0 of the phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *soap_message_body_based_dispatcher added to the index 1 of the 
phase Dispatch
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *soap_action_based_dispatcher added to the index 2 of the phase 
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *dispatch_post_conditions_evaluator added to the index 0 of the 
phase PostDispatch
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] ..\..\..\..\src\core\engine\phase.c(121) 
axis2_handler_t *context_handler added to the index 1 of the phase PostDispatch
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\conf_builder.c(233) No custom dispatching order 
found. Continue with the default dispatching order
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [debug] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\conf_builder.c(378) Module addressing found in 
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] ..\..\..\..\util\src\class_loader.c(167) 
Loading shared library ..//lib/axis2_http_sender.dll  Failed. DLERROR IS DLL 
Load Error 126: T
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\conf_builder.c(898) Transport sender is NULL 
for transport http, unable to continue
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\conf_builder.c(261) Processing transport 
senders failed, unable to continue
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\dep_engine.c(752) Populating Axis2 
Configuration failed
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\deployment\conf_init.c(64) Loading deployment engine 
failed for repository ../.
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
..\..\..\..\src\core\transport\http\receiver\http_receiver.c(127) unable to 
create private configuration contextfor repo path ../
[Wed Sep 17 16:16:20 2008] [error] 
 Server creation failed: Error code: 101 :: Failed in creating DLL

I have tested to fix this and then discovered that something seems to be wrong 
with the axutil.dll...
Does anyone know what might be wrong?

Indra Sharma 

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