
Call axiom_node_detach(node, env).


On Thu, 2008-12-18 at 14:33 +0000, Baxi, Rinilkumar (TCS) wrote:
> Hello,
>       I am using axiom_navigator to traverse an axiom node. Now, I
> need to remove a specific node from the parent and keep the rest of
> the tree navigable. For eg;
> Initial struct : <a><b>hello</b>I say</a><c>world</c>
> After removal of node b: <a>I say</a><c>world</c>
> I tried using the function axiom_node_free_tree. The function did
> release the node but it broke the navigator also.
> Could you please suggest some way in which I could remove the node and
> still be able to move ahead in the tree.
> Thanks,
> Rinil

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