I'm resubmitting this question because I submitted it incorrectly last time (it 
was submitted accidentally as a reply to an existing unrelated thread).

It seems that if you use the xsd:hexBinary data type in an WSDL/XML file, the 
generated service
side skeletons created by the WSDL2C tool maps it to axiom_node_t*. I'm having 
trouble understanding
what exactly this "axiom_node_t*" contains in it, and how to decode this into 
either a hex
string or an unsigned char array.

In more detail:

I have a WSDL that defines an element as follows:
        <xsd:element name="authToken" type="xsd:hexBinary"></xsd:element>

This element belongs to a message passed by WSDL. The WSDL2C tool generates 
this service side

adb_myAPIResponse_t* axis2_skel_MyServiceService_myAPI(const axutil_env_t *env,
                                              adb_myAPIRequest_t* _myAPIRequest 
        return (adb_myAPIResponse_t*) NULL;

Now, I can retrieve the authToken from the "_myAPIRequest" like this:

        axiom_node_t* authToken = adb_myAPIRequest_get_authToken(_myAPIRequest, 

But the above method simply returns another axiom_node_t*. How do I get the 
hexBinary string
out of this?

I thought perhaps it just a sequence of chars (but isn't that what 
axis2_char_t* is for?).
I took a look at the documentation I could find for traversing sequences, 
namely this (from

axiom_children_iterator_t *children_iter = NULL;
children_iter = axiom_element_get_children(om_ele, env, om_node);
if(NULL != children_iter )
    while(axiom_children_iterator_has_next(children_iter, env))
        axiom_node_t *node = NULL;
        node = axiom_children_iterator_next(children_iter, env);
        if(NULL != node)
           if(axiom_node_get_node_type(node, env) == AXIOM_ELEMENT)
               /* processing logic goes here */


But the part that confuses me about the above is what is "om_ele" and where did 
it come from,
how do I get it? I was thinking perhaps I should iterate on "authToken", e.g.:

        axiom_node_t* authToken = adb_myAPIRequest_get_authToken(_myAPIRequest, 

        axiom_children_iterator_t *children_iter = NULL;
        children_iter = axiom_element_get_children(om_ele, env, om_authToken );

But I still don't understand what "om_ele" is supposed to be or how I'm 
supposed to get it,
or if I'm even on the right track here.

Tried finding other examples or more documentation for 
"axiom_element_get_children" on the
internet, but haven't had much luck . I also read the comments for it in the 
header file,
but I didn't find them very enlightening.

As for the API documentation (html) that comes with the download, it doesn't 
really say much

Any help pointing me in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

Patrick Cosmo
Incognito Software Inc.
Senior Software Design Engineer
T: +1(604)678-2855
F: +1(604)688-4339
E: pco...@incognito.com<mailto:pco...@incognito.com>

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