Hi guys,

I am wondering if anyone can give me some help on this.

I debugged the axis2/c libray and it seems that all went well but when it tried 
to get the status_code from the response I am getting 403. The following two 
lines are from http_sender.c:

 status_code = axis2_http_client_send (sender->client, env, request, ssl_pp, 

 status_code = axis2_http_client_recieve_header (sender->client, env, 
>From the first line, the status_code is 1, but from the second line, it is 
>403. The http status code 403 usually means that the connection/communication 
>is establised, but the server refused to respond for some reason. So I am 
>suspecting if the server cert I created has some problem. But the confusing 
>thing is, using this same server cert but without the proxy server involved, I 
>am fine communicating with the same server throught https. It's only that when 
>https works together with proxy, then I have the problem.

By the way, I obtained the server cert by using the following command as in the 
axis2/c manuals:

    >openssl s_client -connect <serverHost:serverPort>

This command only works if NO proxy is involved, otherwise it will fail.

Any suggestions? Thanks much in advance.


>Hi All,

>I am using axis2/c in my web service client application. I have tested 
>>https/ssl \
>through a proxy server and found that it does not work. I have tested the 
>>following \
>senario in my application:

>in case of no proxy :
>  job calling http web service : ok
>  job calling https web service : ok
>in case of proxy :
>  job calling http web service : ok if <parameter name="PROXY" \
>      proxy_host="xyzsrv" proxy_port="8080" proxy_username="" 
>      proxy_password="" \ locked="true" /> is added to the http sender in >    
>   the > axis2.xml 
>  job calling https web service : not ok.
> I tried adding the proxy parameter in http sender, or https sender, or 
> both. no luck.

> I browsed through the jira bug repository and noticed that jira issue 1312 
>(https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2C-1312) has the similar >concern 
>(not sure \
>if this is exactly same issue because my proxy does not need me to pass a 
> username/password):



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