
does anyone out there use the -m function (creation of makefiles) on WSDL2Ws ? If not then we are thnking of removing it to increase stability.


----- Forwarded by John Hawkins/UK/IBM on 09/02/2005 09:49 -----
Samisa Abeysinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09/02/2005 06:19

Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C Developers List"

Apache AXIS C Developers List <axis-c-dev@ws.apache.org>
Re: Gnu Make files

Given that we have problems with make file system even with build on
L/Unix like platforms, I feel that it is not worth having it here.

Could document how to compile and link clients/servers using basic g++
commands to help users.


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 16:18:30 +0000, Andrew Perry2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a test which checks -m option. but it only checks if the makefile
> is generated or not and not the validity of the makefile.
> These WSDL2WS options tests will be added soon.
> Regards,
> Andrew Perry
> IBM Web Services Client for C/C++
> Mail Point 127
> IBM UK Laboratories. Hursley Park, Winchester, Hants. SO21 2JN
> Tel. Internal 249828  External + 44 (0)1962 819828
> Fax. + 44(0)1962 818080
>              John
>              Hawkins/UK/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              MGB                                                        To
>                                        "Apache AXIS C Developers List"
>              08/02/2005 14:57          <axis-c-dev@ws.apache.org>
>                                                                         cc
>              Please respond to                                     Subject
>               "Apache AXIS C           Re: Gnu Make files
>              Developers List"
> It is an option currently on WSDL2Ws ->
> "-m<none|gnu>           generate make files (none|gnu) - default is
> none\n");
>  Nadir Amra
>                                                                         To
>                                     "Apache AXIS C Developers List"
>  08/02/2005 14:44                   <axis-c-dev@ws.apache.org>
>                                                                         cc
>      Please respond to                                             Subject
>       "Apache AXIS C                Re: Gnu Make files
>      Developers List"
> I prefer not to generate makefiles....but if people want this then it
> should be on option on the command that you would need to set (i.e. it
> should not be automatically generated).
> John Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 02/08/2005 08:43:00 AM:
> >
> > Hi Folk,
> >
> > I remember a long time ago a small debate about having WSD2Ws
> > generate Gnu make files? I think this is wierd and I remember some
> > people objecting previously. However, Do  we test this today? If not
> > then I suggest remove this function on the basis that we're just
> > making more rope to hang ourselves with?
> >
> > I've certainly not seen anyone on the mailng list using this?
> >
> > thoughts?
> >
> > cheers
> > John.

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