Hi Mike,

Do you just want the client or a server as well? (You mention Apache web server.)
Do you want C or C++ stubs - the support for C is limted today but C++ is fully supported.

If you just want the client then you can use the Axis client which is being built daily using AIX 5.1 ml4 -> http://cvs.apache.org/dist/axis/nightly/. Just take the client libraries and ignore he server libs. This is compiled using Visual age for C/C++. If you need to you can fairly easily compile this yourself using the ANT scripts which is what the daily builds are created with. Although you do need to compile the rest of the pre-reqs which can be a headache ! (We can help you if you get into trouble!).

If you want support for this then IBM offers the client as a supportpac which you can get support for if you have an Websphere MQ licence -> http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=171&uid=swg24009162&loc=en_US&cs=utf-8&lang=en

With regard to pre-reqs you can either use the open-source versions i.e. xerces and openssl (if you require secure connections) or IBM's build uses the IBM versions of these products XML4C (which is ICU4C and xerces combined) and gskit (which is based on openssl). The nightly build uses the open-source versions.

This will give you a 100% C++ runtime. You do need to have 100% Java tooling to create the stubs and run WSDL2Ws

That's probably enough to give you an overview of availabilty on AIX. If you want more I would suggest you look at the ANT scripts or discuss on the user list (what problems are you having getting on to that?)

Hope this helps,

"Umphress, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

10/05/2005 19:29

axis-c client on aix 5.2

Hello John,


I apologize for the fact that I am imposing by sending you a direct question that would more properly be directed to the Axis C-users forum, but I am having difficulties subscribing so that I can post a question for the community-at-large.


We are looking into the feasibility of building an Axis client in C on our IBM 7040-681 running AIX 5.2 with WebSM installed. Management would prefer that we use only what we have currently installed (with the exception of C-libraries); meaning no Apache Web Server, no Java, etc.  Can that be done?  If so, would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction as to where I can gather the necessary resources?  We are an Informix 4GL shop, making us essentially cavemen when it comes to this whiz-bang web stuff.


Best Regards and Many Thanks,


Mike Umphress

La Quinta Corporation

Dallas, Texas USA

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