Hi Bruce,
        You're right.  Axis2 SSL was a bit of a mess and that's why it was dropped.  It works, but is untidy and unfinished.  Looking at the Axis2Transport code, the currently loaded channel will be deleted (and it's destructor called) when the Axis2Transport is deleted (i.e when the web service is deleted).  The openConnection and closeConnection do very little in Axis2Transport and unfortunately do not communicate with the underlying channel.  I was hoping that there might be a 'back door' to getting the channel object and then be able to call methods on it, but there is not...

Just to recap, all of the channel close socket communication happens on the destructor (as it does in channel::~Channel()).  This is missing from the SSL channel.  Thus, when the web service is deleted, the Axis2Transport will delete the currently active channel (before being deleted itself).  This will call the channel destructor and if it is an SSL channel nothing happens because the destructor is empty.  This will leave the SSL library open causing memory leaks.

The only solution to your problem is, if you have the OpenSSLChannel project, add 'closeSecureSocket();' to the empty destructor method and rebuild.


Fred Preston.

Bruce McHaffie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/16/2005 04:24 PM
Please respond to "Apache AXIS C User List"

        To:        "'Apache AXIS C User List'" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>
        Subject:        RE: Closing a secure channel


Hi Fred, thanks for the reply. That would work, except the destructor for the secure channel object (derived from Channel) is empty too. So when the channel object is destroyed in the transport destructor, the secure channel destructor gets called but doesn't do anything. So closeSSLChannel() doesn't get called when the transport object disappears. Neither does destroySSLChannelObject(), which is a shame because it would give my SSL library a chance to clean up after itself. In fact I'm not sure the SSL library gets unloaded at all. Or again, maybe I'm missing something.


PS: I'm looking at 1.5 now, but for this release I'm stuck with 1.4.
-----Original Message-----
Fred Preston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
June 16, 2005 6:08 AM
Apache AXIS C User List
Re: Closing a secure channel

Hi Bruce,

       You should now be using AXIS3 transport.  The reason why the method is empty is because the socket was not closed until you deleted the web service which in turn would call the destructor on the transport object, closing and then deleting the channel object.


Fred Preston.

Bruce McHaffie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

06/15/2005 08:30 PM
Please respond to "Apache AXIS C User List"

       To:        "'Apache AXIS C User List'" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>


       Subject:        Closing a secure channel


A 1.4 question for you: in axis2/SecureChannel.cpp the close() method doesn't do anything. Shouldn't it at least close the connection that is opened in the open() method? For instance:

void SecureChannel::close()


Or am I missing something here?



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