John Hawkins wrote:

I'm going to put this onto the web-site in the next few days but sneak preview ->

Many Web Services Client for C++ methods either expect or create memory objects. Below is a list of rules that you must follow when developing web service client applications: v Any memory object that is passed to Web Services Client for C++ does not need to persist past the method for which it was required and should be deleted at the earliest opportunity. v Any memory object created and returned by Web Services Client for C++ should be deleted by the client application before the deletion of the web service that created it. Note that Windows requires that the memory object be deleted from within the thread that created it, otherwise you may get an out of bounds exception type error from the core C++ libraries. v Any object passed by reference (rather than value) that is used by Web Services Client for C++ must be created using new, and destroyed using delete. v Once an object has been deleted, its pointer must be set to NULL (this is to ensure that the pointer is not used elsewhere).

Hi John,
Would it be useful to have some information included into this list on what types of return values returned by clients are expected to be deleted? e.g. All complex types returned are allocated by the client stub and should be deleted by the user program. The destructor of the complex type would take care of its members. All basic types are returned by value and thus need no memory cleaning. All nillable values are returned as pointers, and thus should be cleaned by calling program. Also, what happens with arrays, I think you have changed the memory model for this by now.
   Would the above make sense?


*"Stettler, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*

08/12/2005 20:17
Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List"

        Memory management


Does the client need to delete the memory associated with the return objects returned by the generated webservice methods? Or is the memory managed by the axis?

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