Tao Yang wrote:


I am trying to use Axis 4 C++ in a project. However, I did not find any info about WSS implementation. Is there a counter-part project for WSS4J in C/C++?

We do not have an equivalant for WSS4J for Axis C++

I do notice the 1.5 release (not sure about previous ones) has https support. Is it that is regarded as "good enough" for security concerns?

HTTPS provides transport level security, if you feel that securing it over transport is good enough you can use it.

Or developers are focusing on Axis2 ( did not find a Axis2 for C/C++ neither)?

Axis C++ and Axis2 C are parallel efforts. C version of Axis2 is still at the initial stages. You can have a peek at http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/ws/axis2/c/M0.3/. However, as of now, we do not have immediate plans for WSS in Axis2 C, but that is one of the things that we want to do.


Thanks in advance!

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