
In response to your questions:

1) It would appear there is a mistake in the installation instructions.
The file names should read:
libaxis3_transport_channel.so       becomes     libhttp_channel.so
libaxis3_transport_ssl_channel.so   becomes     libhttp_channelssl.so
libaxis3_transport.so               becomes     libhttp_transport.so

2) As you say, it would appear the SSL channel is missing from the binary
If you wish to stay at Axis C++ 1.5, you will need to rebuild these.
Alternatively, you may wish to try the latest 1.6 nightly builds, which
include the SLL libraries.

3) I agree with you that the deploy directory appears to be missing for
Again, this is present for the latest 1.6 nightly builds

4) Axis C++ should work fine with Axis java


Tao Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 20/02/2006 16:38:34:

> Hi,
> I am trying to get Axis C++ 1.5 on linux as client to interact
> with Axis 1.3 server (java, deployed on tomcat 5) this morning. I
> notice a few things:
> 1) The installation document mentioned following configuration:
> Transport_http:/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/lib/libaxis3_transport.so
> Channel_HTTP:/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/lib/libaxis3_transport_channel.so
> XMLParser:/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/lib/libaxis_xercesc.so
> ClientWSDDFilePath:/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/etc/client.wsdd
> ClientLogPath:/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/log/AxisClientLog
> which is a bit confusing since I cannot find neither
> libaxis3_transport.so nor libaxis3_transport_channel.so in
> the tar gz'ed file - axis-c-linux-current-bin.tar.gz
> I can only find following libs:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] axis4Lin]$ ls axis-c-1.5.0-linux-bin/lib/
> axis                      libaxiscpp_mod.so        libdoclitfault.so
> axisjava                  libaxiscpp_mod.so.1      libelement.so
> libarray.so               libaxiscpp_mod.so.1.5.0  libenumeration.so
> libaxis_clientC.so        libaxis_server.so        libhttp_channel.so
> libaxis_clientC.so.1      libaxis_server.so.1      libhttp_channel.so.1
> libaxis_clientC.so.1.5.0  libaxis_server.so.1.5.0
> libaxis_client.so         libaxis_xerces.so        libhttp_transport.so
> libaxis_client.so.1       libaxis_xerces.so.1      libhttp_transport.so.1
> libaxis_client.so.1.5.0   libaxis_xerces.so.1.5.0
> libhttp_transport.so.1.5.0
> libaxiscpp_mod2.so        libbase.so               libref.so
> libaxiscpp_mod2.so.1      libbench.so              librpcfault.so
> libaxiscpp_mod2.so.1.5.0  libcalculator.so
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] axis4Lin]$
> Plus, the SSL channel also seems missing - no
> libaxis3_transport_ssl_channel.so
> found neither.
> Do I have to re-built it by myself?
> Another thing is there is no deploy dir found in the linux bin distro as
> in window's.
> And the content of deploy dir in window's distro seems to me are for
> linux. Am I
> missing something here?
> At last, one important question is: does Axis C++ work with Axis (java)
> as I would
> expect?
> Thanks,
> Tao

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