Hi all !

I saw some threads in this mailing list concerning the same problem,
but no solution seems to appear;

I am working on a project to include Axis C++ framework on a lot of
different platforms; for the moment, i've just tried with Solaris (our
dev platform), and I am running in troubles. I get the following error
while calling ant build target :

axis/1.5.0/build.xml:231: The following error occurred while executing
this line:
axis/1.5.0/build.xml:219: The following error occurred while executing
this line:
axis/1.5.0/build.xml:90: The following error occurred while executing this line:
axis/1.5.0/build/buildClient.xml:23: CC failed with return code 1

and cpp compile error :

line 171: Error: The operation "axiscpp::HandlerChain::ChainItem ==
const axiscpp::HandlerChain::ChainItem" is illegal.
[cc] 1 Error(s) detected

I tried to figure out where was located the instruction throwing this
error, but don't want to modify source code. Is there somebody here
that had the same problem, and maybe found a solution ?

Thanks !
Antoine Galataud
Département Architecture des Systèmes d'Information
INSA - Rouen

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