Hi Magnus,
        There should be three files on the Calculator Client side.  Two that are generated by the WSDL2Ws tool (Calculator.cpp and Calcuator.hpp) and one that should be copied from ws-axis\c\samples\client\calculator (Client.cpp).  The client application (Client.cpp) contains the 'main' method.  Looking at the error information for LNK1561, it is suggesting that you do not have a 'main' method for the application (as it is not a library) and this would suggest that you have not built with Client.cpp.  If you have included both the cpp's and hpp file, it should build...

        I have used your command line 'cl' command and it builds without error (I know this doesn't help you, but I just wanted to test that I could build the project :-) as I haven't done it for a while).

        When I remove Client.cpp I get the same error as you are seeing...


Fred Preston.

"Magnus Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

02/05/2006 10:57

Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>

Re: Re: LINK fatal error LNK1561

Hi Fred,

I've already managed the server compilation without any trouble. Every single possible variable is set (I think :=), including the AXISCPP_DEPLOY variable. Compiling command is the one on the home page, i.e. (with correct installation directories)

cl *cpp /GX /MD /D "WIN32" /I<inst_dir>/include /link<inst_dir>/lib/axis/axis_client.lib /OUT:"Calculator.exe"

I use Visual C++ .NET 2003.

Best regards
Magnus Karlsson

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Preston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Apache AXIS C User List" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>
Date: Tue, 2 May 2006 10:33:00 +0100
Subject: Re: LINK fatal error LNK1561

Hi Magnus,
       There could be several answers to this question, but without any
detail I can only guess as to what might be causing this error...  The
questions would be;-

Are you building the Client as a "Win32 Console Project"?  If so, you also
have to remember to set the following build options:-  Project-> (project)
Properties...->C++->Code Generation->Runtime Library must be set to "/MD"
(Multi-threaded DLL) and Project-> (project)
Properties...->Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies must include the
Axis Client library (axis_client.dll).
Have you set the AXISCPP_DEPLOY environment variable and downloaded the
associated prerequisite software and put the path of those libraries into
your PATH environment variable?

The error itself does point to either the wrong type of project or a
missing library.  Without more information, it is difficult to narrow the


Fred Preston.

"Magnus Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
02/05/2006 10:10
Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>


LINK fatal error LNK1561

I've installed Axis C++ along with Apache Web Server on Windows XP

Now, I'm trying to build the client calculator example, but it ends up
with following error message:

Creating library Calculator.lib and object Calculator.exp
LINK : fatal error LNK1561: entry point must be defined

Does anyone know how to get around this problem?

Please, help me anyone!
Magnus Karlsson
Prästbolsgatan 4D
587 33  Linköping
013-210052, 070-7315374

Magnus Karlsson
Prästbolsgatan 4D
587 33  Linköping
013-210052, 070-7315374

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