Hi Magnus,
        xsd__string is simply a char *.  To convert from one to the other do the following:-

xsd__string        pXSD_String = "Test";
std::string        sString;

// Converting from xsd__string to std::string
// Because the string class has overridden the '=' operator, you can simply assign an xsd__string to a string.

sString = pXSD_String;

// Converting from std::string to xsd__string.
// The c_str() method converts the contents of the string object to a const char *.  This can then be assigned to the xsd__string variable.

pXSD_String = (char *) sString.c_str();


Fred Preston.

"Magnus Karlsson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

08/05/2006 09:35

Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List" <axis-c-user@ws.apache.org>

Conversion fault

I'm using Axis C++ 1.6b for Windows (XP Professional). I'd like to know how conversion is done from std::string to axiscpp::xsd__string? I want to use ordinary string management (std::string) but when I try to cast an std::string to axiscpp::xsd__string I get "error C240: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'std:string' to 'axiscpp::xsd_string'. Would it be better to skip xsd__strings and not use them at all?
Best regards

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