--- Atanacio Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm using axis-c-1.6B to build a web service. The
> client side send the next soap message:
> POST /axis/Calcot HTTP/1.1
> Host: areyes:80
> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
> SOAPAction: "Calcot#contorno"
> Content-Length: 1414
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope
> xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
> <SOAP-ENV:Body>
> <ns1:contorno xmlns:ns1="http://areyes/axis/Calcot";>
> <ParamArm xsi:type="ns2:ParamArm"
> xmlns:ns2="http://areyes/axis/Calcot/xsd";>
> <Caja xsi:type="ns2:Caja">
>  <aro xsi:type="xsd:float">40</aro>
>  <vertical xsi:type="xsd:float">40</vertical>
>  <diagonal xsi:type="xsd:float">40</diagonal>
> </Caja>
> <ns2:forLadoArray xmlns:ns2=""
> xmlns:enc="http://www.w3.org/2001/06/soap-encoding";
> xmlns:ns2="http://areyes/axis/Calcot/xsd";
> enc:arrayType="ns2:forLado[2]">
>  <ParamForma>
>   <lado xsi:type="xsd:byte">68</lado>
>   <codigob
> xsi:type="xsd:string">2105001131</codigob>
>   <dpMono xsi:type="xsd:float">31</dpMono>
>   <difDP xsi:type="xsd:float">1</difDP>
>   <Potencia xsi:type="ns2:Potencia">
>    <esf xsi:type="xsd:float">0</esf>
>    <eje xsi:type="xsd:int">15</eje>
>   </Potencia>
>  </ParamForma>
>  <ParamForma>
>   <lado xsi:type="xsd:byte">73</lado>
>   <codigob
> xsi:type="xsd:string">2105001164</codigob>
>   <dpMono xsi:type="xsd:float">31</dpMono>
>   <difDP xsi:type="xsd:float">1</difDP>
>   <Potencia xsi:type="ns2:Potencia">
>    <esf xsi:type="xsd:float">0</esf>
>    <eje xsi:type="xsd:int">165</eje>
>   </Potencia>
>  </ParamForma>
> </ns2:forLadoArray>
> <puente xsi:type="xsd:float">15</puente>
> </ParamArm>
> </ns1:contorno>
> </SOAP-ENV:Body>
> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
> in order to deserialize the message the server
> execute
> this function:
> int Axis_DeSerialize_ParamArm(ParamArm* param,
> IWrapperSoapDeSerializer* pIWSDZ)
> {
>   param->mman =
>  (void*)Axis_Create_Caja,(void*)Axis_Delete_Caja,
> "mman", Axis_URI_Type);
>   ParamForma_Array * array0 = new
> ParamForma_Array();
>   array0 = (ParamForma_Array *)
> pIWSDZ->getCmplxArray(array0,
>   (void*)Axis_DeSerialize_ParamForma,
>   (void*)Axis_Create_ParamForma,
>   (void*)Axis_Delete_ParamForma,
>   (void*)Axis_GetSize_ParamForma,
>   "forLado",Axis_URI_Type);
>   param->forLado = array0;
>   int size
>   ParamForma** tmp = param->forLado->get(size);
>   xsd__float* p_puente =
> (pIWSDZ->getElementAsFloat("puente",0));
>   if(p_puente) param->puente = *p_puente;
>   delete p_puente;
>   return pIWSDZ->getStatus();
> }
> the function getCmplxObject() is ok, but the
> function
> param->forLado->get(size), in the size parameter
> return 0, the functions:
> (void*)Axis_DeSerialize_ParamForma,
> (void*)Axis_Create_ParamForma,
> (void*)Axis_Delete_ParamForma,
> are not executed. the function getCmplxArray is not
> deserializing the forLadoArray.
> the server stop with segmentation fault, executing
> the
> function getElementAsFloat("puente",0));
> What is wrong in the getCmplxArray() function?,
> Arguments?, or What is wrong in the soap message?
> any help is welcome.
> Atanacio Reyes.

I Found the error:  the error is in the soap message,
the tag:

<ns2:forLadoArray xmlns:ns2=""

should be:


Someone Known how to clear the xmlns:ns2="" generated
by the function:

thanks for your help.

Atanacio Reyes.

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