
I'm surprised you're having problems using the same stub twice.  We have
numerous testcases which re-use the same stub object, including mixed

Looking at the trace, it would appear the second call didn't receive the
expected SOAP message.

Can you use TCPmon, or similiar, to capture the "on-the-wire" messages when
making these two subsequent calls?
A copy of your WSDL would also be helpful, so we can ensure the correct
names and values are being used throughout.


"Cheng, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 15/05/2006 16:26:36:

> Adrian,
> Thanks for the help! I found the problem after enable the trace. It was
> due to my searching path did not include the directory where
> AxisXMLParserXerces.dll is located. My testing sample is working now.
> But I found another interesting problem with the library, though. I have
> a piece of code looks like this:
>       ServiceSoap
> s("http://localhost/WebService1/service.asmx";);
>       xsd__string str = s.HelloWorld();
>       int x = s.Add(12, 24);
> My experience with other web service client code told me the two
> sequential calls should work. But it's not working here. Only the first
> call works. The second one will give an AxisGenException. After I switch
> my calling sequence, it's the same. The second one doesn't work. Why is
> there such limitation? I attached my log file this time.
> Thanks!
> John Cheng
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adrian Dick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:06 AM
> To: Apache AXIS C User List
> Subject: Re: AxisEngineException
> Hi,
> Have you tried turning on trace?  ( See
> http://ws.apache.org/axis/cpp/TraceGuide.html#enablingRuntimeTrace and
> possibly also
> http://ws.apache.org/axis/cpp/TraceGuide.html#enablingStartupTrace )
> This may give you some pointers to the problem, if there's nothing
> obvious
> you can post your tracefile here so we can look for any problems.
> As for project files, see my response to another recent question here:
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=axis-c-user&m=114724798004149&w=2
> Regards,
> Adrian
> _______________________________________
> Adrian Dick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> "Cheng, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/05/2006 19:10:32:
> > Hi,
> > I am having a problem to make a C++ app to call a .NET C# web
> > service, using Axis C++. The service was implemented and tested
> > separately. I generated the client side code using WSDL2Ws and
> > included it with my application (on windows platform). But when
> > running the application I get AxisEngineException while
> > instantiating the generated class. There is no other information,
> > and I could not figure it out base on the document. I also tried to
> compile
> > the distributed project vc\Distribution.sln and vc\AxisDevelopment.
> > sln, hope to get a debug version of axis_client.lib. But it
> > complains some files can not be found, for example:
> > src\common\AxisException.cpp is not in the package. Any help?
> > Thanks!
> > John Cheng
> [attachment "AxisClientLog.my.zip" deleted by Adrian Dick/UK/IBM]

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