Forwarding with correct prefix.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Problems with woden
Date:   Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:57:00 +0200
From:   Jose Miguel Sanchez Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To:       Apache AXIS C User List <>


I would like to invoke a web service operation without using the stub generator, to that goal I am using the woden parser to parse the WSDL file and generate the request message accordingly. But it crashes (I am testing this on Windows). While debugging I have found the following situation:

file: /c/woden/src/wsdl/documentable.c

I see that:

   documentable_impl_l = NULL

       woden_documentable_t *documentable,
       const axis2_env_t *env,
       woden_documentable_t *documentable_impl,
       axis2_hash_t *methods)
       documentable->ops->add_documentation_element =
   axis2_hash_get(methods, <-- after this, add_documentation_element = NULL
               "add_documentation_element", AXIS2_HASH_KEY_STRING);
       if (!documentable->ops->add_documentation_element &&
   documentable_impl_l) <-- it does not enter here
           documentable->ops->add_documentation_element =

after the execution of this function, the operation add_documentation_element = NULL, then in the following function it fails:

file: /c/woden/src/builder/wsdl10_reader.c

   static void *
       void *reader,
       const axis2_env_t *env,
       axiom_node_t *op_el_node,
       void *desc,
       void *parent)
           if (AXIS2_TRUE == axis2_qname_util_matches(env,
                   q_elem_documentation, temp_el_node))
               void *documentation = NULL;

               documentation = parse_documentation(reader, env,
   temp_el_node, desc);
               op = woden_interface_op_to_documentable(op, env);
   documentation); <-- Fails here


The call to WODEN_DOCUMENTABLE_ADD_DOCUMENTATION_ELEMENT fails, because the method add_documentation_element is null.

I have tested this with my own code, as well as with the test_woden sample program (which is very similar to my code), using different wsdl files, for example the googlesearch.wsdl file, and the result was always the same.

Can this be a bug or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks & regards,


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