You can compile and link a sample on windows by issuing the following
commands in a DOS prompt:

change the directory to the folder where your sample code is exist.


cl.exe /nologo /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "AXIS2_DECLARE_EXPORT" /D "_MBCS"
*.C /I<AXIS2C_HOME>\include  /link /nologo *.obj /LIBPATH:<AXIS2C_HOME>\lib
axiom.lib axutil.lib axis2_engine.lib axis2_parser.lib /OUT:hello.exe

in the above command replace <AXIS2C_HOME> with your axis2c home directory.

you can simply create a VC project for your client. Here you have to set
your projects include path to axis2c include folder and add axiom.lib,
axutil.lib, axis2_engine.lib and  axis2_parser.lib  into your lib path.


On 4/27/07, Sushmita Sahu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For the hello.c file , in the document they have asked to compile as:
On Windows

to compile,


I am unable to understand what the command means.
How can I actually compile the hello.c file in windows.

Thanks and regards
Sushmita Sahu
Architecture Team | Finacle
Infosys Technologies Limited Plot No.44|Electronics City,Hosur
Call me : 9880927586
"Smile,it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart"
-----Original Message-----
From: Yogender Singh01 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 6:42 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: RE: Regarding web services through AXIC c++

Hi all,
The error is resolved now for Axis2C[] and
The server is able to load the

Thanks for all replies.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yogender Singh01 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 5:32 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: RE: Regarding web services through AXIC c++

Even I am facing the same problem.
Can you try running the http.conf file and try if the entries are
correct or not?

In modules I even tried changing mod_axis2.dll to but still
getting the same problem

-----Original Message-----
From: Sushmita Sahu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 5:25 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: RE: Regarding web services through AXIC c++

The mod_axis2.dllis in the specified path , ie in modules directory ,
still I am getting this error. I am attaching the httpd.conf file.
Please check whther I have added the right code.

Thanks and regards
Sushmita Sahu
Architecture Team | Finacle
Infosys Technologies Limited Plot No.44|Electronics City,Hosur
Call me : 9880927586
"Smile,it is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart"

-----Original Message-----
From: Dumindu Pallewela [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:12 PM
To: Apache AXIS C User List
Subject: Re: Regarding web services through AXIC c++

Sushmita Sahu wrote:
> /Hi,/
> / I am a novice in web services./
> /I have installed Axis -c as per the document given in Axis site. I
> have copied all the respective files in the relevant paths./
> /I have set the path as well. But when I give httpd -k start it gives
> me the error that mod_axis2.dll can not be loaded./
> */C:\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin>httpd -k start/*
> */httpd: Syntax error on line 487 of C:/Apache Software
> Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load C:/Apache Software
> Foundation/Apache2.2/modules/mod_axis2.dll into server: The specified
> module could not be found./*
> */ /*
> /I have added /
> */LoadModule axis_module modules/mod_axis2.dll/*
> */<Location /axis>/*
> */SetHandler axis/*
> */</Location>/*
> / /
> /To httpd.conf/
> / /
Also note that the configuration should be changed as follows:

LoadModule axis2_module modules/mod_axis2.dll
<Location /axis>
SetHandler axis2_module

NB: Module name in the above must be "axis2_module". Not "axis_module"
nor "axis".

additionally, you should have the following parameters in your
httpd.conf. replace
"path-to-your-axis2-repo" with the path you have installed axis2c.

Axis2RepoPath path-to-your-axis2-repo
Axis2LogFile /tmp/axis2.log
Axis2LogLevel info

However, according to the error message that you have posted, it seems
that the
error occurs not due to these mistakes, but due to mod_axis2.dll is not
found in
the apache2 modules directory as Samisa mentioned.


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