I am facing a very serious problem with AxisCPP. The problem is a show-stopper for me.
Here I explain: I am trying to deploy a web-service for ALE(application level events) as per the EPC Global standards. WSDL file has been taken from the EPC Global Standard web-site. The services are deployed properly. The Client sends an XML file, which axis server receives and deserializes into Objects named as ECSpecs ( It's a complex type object). But the Values in the ECSpec complex object are not proper. Example: The XML file sent by Client is: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> - <ale:ECSpec xmlns:ale="urn:epcglobal:ale:xsd:1" xmlns:epcglobal="urn:epcglobal:xsd:1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:epcglobal:ale:xsd:1 Ale.xsd" schemaVersion="1.0" creationDate="2003-08-06T10:54:06.444-05:00"> - <logicalReaders> <logicalReader>dock_1a</logicalReader> <logicalReader>dock_1b</logicalReader> </logicalReaders> - <boundarySpec> <startTrigger>http://sample.com/trigger1</startTrigger> <repeatPeriod unit="MS">20000</repeatPeriod> <stopTrigger>http://sample.com/trigger2</stopTrigger> <duration unit="MS">3000</duration> </boundarySpec> - <reportSpecs> - <reportSpec reportName="report1"> <reportSet set="CURRENT" /> <output includeTag="true" /> </reportSpec> - <reportSpec reportName="report2"> <reportSet set="ADDITIONS" /> <output includeCount="true" /> </reportSpec> - <reportSpec reportName="report3"> <reportSet set="DELETIONS" /> - <groupSpec> <pattern>urn:epc:pat:sgtin-64:X.X.X.*</pattern> </groupSpec> <output includeCount="true" /> </reportSpec> </reportSpecs> </ale:ECSpec> When I try to access startTrigger etc, values the simple_axis_server dumps. Also, the repeatPeriod which is defined as "xsd__long" and should have a value "2000" is getting a value "275638678" I am using Xerces 2.2 and axiscpp 1.4. I guess it's a problem either with the XML Parser or Desrialization function. Can any one (Samisa, or any one) help me in this regard. Is it a problem with deep copy not being done in engine???? Awaiting your response. Thanks in Advance -Shailesh Shailesh Srivastava Sr. Software Engineer Ttec.soc-soft.com Extn:3297 Mb: +919886624708 --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]