hello user,

i don't know if i understand the problem right,
just want to share what i have.

@michale mole,

when i generate, i can't see the files
'adb_EchoStringReturn.h' or 'EchoStringReturn.java'
in any header file, i see

#include "axis2_echoStringReturn.h"
#include "axis2_echoStringParam.h"
#include "axis2_echoStringArrayReturn.h"
#include "axis2_echoStringArrayParam.h"
#include "axis2_echoStructReturn.h"
#include "axis2_echoStructParam.h"

in 'axis2_skel_Axis2SampleDocLitService.h' and

i have uploaded the way i generate to :


have a look to 'gen.bat', which parameters i use.
in the zip i have generated with 'Axis2SampleDocLit.wsdl'.

maybe this is helpful of any of you ?

the idea of 'gen.bat' is :

1) compile java-interface
2) gen wsdl from java
3) gen code from wsdl
4) style code
5) create vs2005 project file

you can start at step 1 [gen.bat aJavaInterface.java]
or at step 3 [gen.bat aWsdlFile.wsdl].
following i style the code like the docs says.
because i use vs2005/vs2003 and don't like to
spent time in setting up everytime a new project,
i also generate the project files, so that i just have
to open the *.sln and start compiling.
i think it is easy to adapt this way 4 any other
ide [like netbeans, i'm using 4 java]

mfg derMark

Samisa Abeysinghe schrieb:
Michael Mole wrote:

Thanks Milinda,

So you're saying that I should set AXIS2_HOME to point to point to my Axis2/C home directory instead of my Axis2/Java? Also do you have a WSDL2C.bat for Windows?
No we do not have a bat file. We need to write one.


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