

Is there anything special you need to do to add a reference parameter
other than what's contained in the following block?



axiom_node_t* node = NULL;

axiom_namespace_t* namespace = axiom_namespace_create( this->axisEnv,
"http://url/";, "prefix" );

axiom_element_t* element = axiom_element_create( this->axisEnv, NULL,
"ConversationID", namespace, &node );

axiom_element_set_text( element, this->axisEnv, "some text", node );


axis2_options_add_reference_parameter( options, this->axisEnv, node );



I do this just before sending the message using
axis2_svc_client_send_receive. All other ws-addressing elements are
present (To, Action, MessageID), plus ws-security, just not the
reference parameter I just created.


Any ideas?




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