On Jan 19, 2008 12:53 AM, Senaka Fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sébastien Mougey wrote:
> >> How can I get this address with Apache server ? Is it possible ?
> >>
> >
> > I think it should be possible, however, I need to look into the code to
> > give you a definite answer. I will have a look and let you know.
> Yes, indeed it is possible. We need to use ap_get_remote_host(). However,
> I'm not quite sure what other methods, data are required to call this
> method, and how we could access them. Looking into that.

ap_get_remote_host() tries to lookup the remote server's DNS name.
Only if that fails will it return the ip address. You can however get
the ip address of the remote host at the axis2_handler as follows:

char* remote_ip = req->connection->remote_ip;


Dumindu Pallewela
GPG ID: 0x9E131672

WSO2 | "Oxygenating the Web Service Platform" | http://wso2.com

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