I am new to web services and I am still trying to figure out how all
the pieces going together.  My final objective is to write bunches of
web services using Axis2/C and served up by Apache that can be
consumed by a .Net Windows application.  According to this book I am
reading online, UDDI are Service Discovery and Service Publication
pieces of Web Services stack.

I have Apache running with the Axis2/C module installed with the
sample modules.  When I direct my browser to
http://localhost/axis2/services or any deeper URI, such as
http://localhost/axis2/services/echo, I get the same thing, what looks
like a very simple html dump of all the modules.  I have tried
pointing Microsoft Visual Studio 2005's Web Services with no luck.

What am I missing?  Considering I want to do a lot with Web Services,
I think I am missing a whole lot, so do you have any good suggestions
on where I can go to come up to speed on Web Services?


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