Helmut A. Semmelmayer wrote:
in uuid_gen_unix.c around line 36 it says: #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_IF_H
# include <linux/if.h>
# ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_H
#  include <sys/sockio.h>
#  include <net/if.h>
#  include <net/if_arp.h>
# endif
#  include <net/if_types.h>
# endif
# ifdef HAVE_NET_IF_DL_H
#  include <net/if_dl.h>
# endif

AIX offers net/if.h, net/if_arp.h, net/if_types.h and net/if_dl.h but not sockio.h
But if you do #undef HAVE_NET_IF_H in conifg.h it does not work either.

Can you try commenting out #  include <sys/sockio.h> line?


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