Please see the inline comment.

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 10:01 AM, Dimuthu Gamage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Nadir,
> If I start with answering your questions straight away,
> 1. In Axis2/Java (with Axis2/Java codegen tool) you can use wrapped or
> unwrapped mode ( -uw option) for any wsdl regardless whether it is a
> (just doc-lit, doc-lit bare or doc-lit wrapped wsdl.) But unlike
> Axis2/Java, Axis2/C still doesn't do any special for the unwrapped
> option (I think this can be fixed easily with a little hack).
> For an example say you have a simpleAdd schema element
>            <xs:element name="simpleAdd">
>                <xs:complexType>
>                    <xs:sequence>
>                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="param0"
> nillable="true" type="xs:int"/>
>                        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="param1"
> nillable="true" type="xs:int"/>
>                    </xs:sequence>
>                </xs:complexType>
>            </xs:element>
> for wrapped mode the api is like this ( support both Axis2/C and Axis2/ Java)
> simpleAdd( param: simpleAdd); // you have to set param0, param1 within
> the simpleAdd adb Class
> for unwrapped mode (support only in Axis2/Java)
> simpleAdd(param0: int, param1: int);
> 2. I too agree with what you mentioned, it is just the client api
> should be different in doc -lit and doc-list wrapped mode. But the
> codegen tool doesn't care what is the mode of the actual wsdl, it just
> care about the user option -uw to generate a different (rpc-like) API.
> Thanks
> Dimuthu
> On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Nadir Amra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> How does axis2/C handle document/literal wrapped vs. unwrapped?  Does it
>> support it?  What is the default?  When I generate client stubs it seems
>> it is always the case that  the following is generated:
>> adb_phoneStatusResponse_t*
>>            axis2_stub_op_IPTelephonyService_phoneStatusRequest(
>> axis2_stub_t *stub,
>>                                                                 const
>> axutil_env_t *env,
>>  adb_phoneStatusRequest_t* _phoneStatusRequest);
>> Even if I specify -uw
>> So I am curious about the following:
>> (1) When is wrapped vs. unwrapped used?
>> (2) Is there actually a difference in SOAP request between the two?

AFAIK there is one difference in SOAP requests in two forms. In
doc-lit wsdls the operation name is equal to the first body child
element, where as in other cases it can be any name. So As I said
earlier mail the codegen tool handle that different internally and
give the API depending on the user option


>> my readings it seems that this is more of a programming interface aspect
>> than anything else - that is, whether the child elements of the wrapper
>> element are listed as parameters or whether a structure is used.
>> Thanks in advance.
>> Nadir Amra
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