Hi Dinesh,
                I dont have any issues with axis2.xml which is getting loaded 
as this acts as a config file for the axis engine. 
                But why are the service.xml of each and every service getting 
loaded at client side? 
  Thanks & Regards,
  Vamsi Krishna M

Dinesh Premalal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Vamsi,

vamsi krishna writes:

> Hi All,
> 1. I observed that the service xmls are getting loaded at both server
> side and client side. may i know the reason for loading the services at the
> client side? I believe the service xmls are related to server and
> not client.

I think you missed a point here. Because only xml that use in server
side and client side is axis2.xml which carries the all configuration
information for axis2 engine. AFAIK, in client side no service.xml

> 2. Should we have the whole axis2C package on the client side inorder
> to consume any web service? wont the WSDL2C.sh generated code not suffice to
> consume the service?

Yes, we need to have Axis2/C engine installed. WSDL2C.sh generated
code use Axis2/C engine inorder to consume webservice.



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Vamsi, IIIT-Hyd.


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