Hi List -

I would like to know why the following comments and code appear in the
WSDL2C generated code.  Has anyone encountered them?

1) In a deserialize_from_string method:

         /* can not handle the attribute type axiom_attribute_t**/

         status = AXIS2_FAILURE;

2) In a serialize_to_string method:

        /* can not handle the property type axiom_attribute_t**/

         text_value = NULL
In running a client to consume a service generated using WSDL2C, the client
invocation was failing.  In the logs, I found that NULL was being returned
from a deserialize method causing the problem.  On examination of the WSDL2C
generated methods for deserializing, I found the above listed comments and
code.  As a result the method always returns NULL and causes errors.  In
searching through the WSDL2C generated code, I found that such comments and
code appears multiple times in serilizing and deserizlizing methods.   When
I commented out the code, the client and server are able to successfully
exchange messages.

What could cause these comments/code to be generated? Could this be a
problem with the WSDL files?

I am new to Axis2 and using WSDL2C.  Your help is appreciated!

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