Looks like I'm not doing the right clean-up in the code which is
subsequently causing a problem.

Please ignore this post/problem.

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 2:52 PM, Andy Karseras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am seeing a close tag being created when (I believe) there shouldn't be.
> The incorrect output is as follows...
> <cwmp:getParameterValues xmlns:cwmp="urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0">
>     <ParameterNames>
>         *<Name/>*TempAgent.</Name>
>     </ParameterNames>
> </cwmp:getParameterValues>
> The code to create the problematic line in the above XML as follows:-
> axiom_node_t *nameNode = axiom_node_create(env);
> axutil_string_t* nameString = axutil_string_create (env, "Name");
> axiom_element_create_str(env, parameterNamesNode, nameString,
> axiom_node_t *tempNode = axiom_node_create(env);
> axiom_text_create(env, nameNode, tempChar, &tempNode);
> Is this a bug or am I just doing something wrong.
> Many thanks.
> Andy

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