My apologizes to the list for forgetting to change the subject line 

I'll have another look at the source build when I find some time.

08/13/2008 10:07 AM
Please respond to
"Apache AXIS C User List" <>

"Apache AXIS C User List" <>
"Apache AXIS C User List" <>
Re: SSL support using other packages other than openSSL ?


Have not really worked on the server-side of things....the client is 
(latest code in SVN) is very stable. 

I would first urge you to build new binaries using ant from the code in 
SVN, the binaries you are using are very old and buggy. 

AXISCPP_DEPLOY should point to the directory containing etc/axiscpp_conf. 
For example, if I have the following


Then AXISCPP_DEPLOY should point to /client. 

If I have time I will try to go through the server-step process and update 

the docs.  I do plan on releasing newer binaries, but currently fixing 
bugs so I have no set time-table. 

Nadir Amra

Eric R George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/13/2008 10:27:32 AM:

> Ok, I sent this to the list the other day, but it hasn't shown up 
> yet??  Here's another try - sorry if people get duplicates. 
> I'm getting pretty frustrated with the Axis C++ binary installation.
> I'm going to go step-by-step through the installation instructions 
> provided.  Sorry for the long email - think of it as a complete 
> newbie trying to learn your system. 
> For what it's worth, I'm working on a Fedora Core 5 system 
> I downloaded axis-c-linux-current-bin.tar several days ago and 
> unpacked it to reveal axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin 
> Then I went to axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/docs/install-guide.html 
> and found the instructions for server install & config. 
> Step 1: Download Axis C++ 
>         Done - unpacked to /home/myname/WebServices/axis-c-1.6b-
> Linux-trace-bin 
> Step 2: Install Apache Web Server 
>         Done - I have httpd-2.2.2-1.3 installed via RPM and modules 
> are supported. 
> 3. Install Xerces C++ (2.2.0) 
>         Done - I then downloaded & installed xerces-c-src_2_8_0 
>         This yielded the following libraries: 
>         /usr/local/lib/ -> 
>         /usr/local/lib/ -> 
>         /usr/local/lib/ 
>         /usr/local/lib/ -> 
>         /usr/local/lib/ -> 
>         /usr/local/lib/ 
> 4. Configure environment variables 
>         Done: 
>         export AXISCPP_DEPLOY="/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-
> Linux-trace-bin/" 
>         export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$AXISCPP_DEPLOY/lib" 
>         (There appears to be a missing linefeed in the 3rd line of 
> this section) 
> 5. Configure Engine Wide Settings in Configuration File 
>         Ok, here is some confusion.  I read the following instruction: 
>                 "A sample configuration file is installed in 
>         I understood earlier that AXISCPP_DEPLOY was to point to the
> directory I unpacked the tarball to.  In this case 
> /home/myname/WebServices/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin  But there is 
> no etc directory here??  I did find an etc directory under 
> /home/myname/WebServices/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/deploy. 
>         So, the first question: 
> ************************************************************** 
> What should AXISCPP_DEPLOY point to?? 
> ************************************************************** 
>         Should it point to the unpacked directory, or the 'deploy' 
> directory with it?  Or did I miss something above? 
>         I'll take a guess and re-assign the AXISCPP_DEPLOY 
> environment variable to the deploy directory within the top-level 
>         export AXISCPP_DEPLOY="/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-
> Linux-trace-bin/deploy/" 
>         export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$AXISCPP_DEPLOY/lib" 
>         So now I look in $AXISSCPP_DEPLOY/etc ... there is no 
> axiscpp.conf file present, as stated in your instructions?? 
>         There is a axiscpp.conf_linux file, with a structure similar
> to what is described in the docs, so I copy it to axiscpp.conf  Not 
> to much of a leap, but it would be nice if the docs pointed this out. 
>         cp $AXISCPP_DEPLOY/etc/axiscpp.conf_linux 
> $AXISCPP_DEPLOY/etc/axiscpp.conf 
>         I go in and take a look ... and all of the paths reference 
> "/usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/".  There is nothing in the server 
> install instructions which says anything about copying stuff to 
> /usr/local/axiscpp_deploy.  Why not use the $AXISCPP_DEPLOY 
> environment variable? 
>         So I change the paths to point to 
> /home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/deploy/ 
>         Now my config file looks like this: 
> WSDDFilePath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/etc/server.wsdd 
> ClientLogPath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/log/AxisClientLog 
> XMLParser:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/ 
> Transport_http:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/ 
>         Just for grins, I take a look for this stuff: 
>         No such file or directory - ok, I'll assume it creates this 
> file on the fly 
> WSDDFilePath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/etc/server.wsdd 
>         No such file or directory - looking I see the following: 
>         server.wsdd_linux 
>         server.wsdd_linux_handler 
>         I'm guessing this is similar to the axiscpp.conf_linux 
> stuff, but which to rename??? 
> *************************** 
> What is server.wsdd?  Candidates would appear to be: 
>         server.wsdd_linux 
>         server.wsdd_linux_handler 
> *************************** 
>         I flip a coin and pick server.wsdd_linux 
>         cp deploy/etc/server.wsdd_linux deploy/etc/server.wsdd 
> ClientLogPath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/log/AxisClientLog 
>         Again - so such file.  Will assume it will be created on the 
> XMLParser:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/ 
>         No such file or directory. 
>         In fact, a search of the directory tree finds nothing by 
> this name.  Nothing in the Xerces directory matches either.  In 
> fact, nothing on my filesystem matches, and this is the first time 
> is mentioned at all in this document. What the 
> heck is it??? 
>         I then notice that the client install section it refers to 
> - which is in the axis install directory, but not 
> in deploy/lib  A typo maybe? 
>         There is also a file called to add to the 
> **************************************** 
> What is 
> Should I copy axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/lib/axis/
> to deploy/lib - or point the config file to it as it stands? 
> **************************************** 
>         So I make a WAG and copy everything in axis-c-1.6b-Linux-
> trace-bin/lib to deploy/lib: 
>         cp -r axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/lib/* axis-c-1.6b-Linux-
> trace-bin/deploy/lib 
>         This seems to indicate that $AXISCPP_DEPLOY should point to 
> the base directory (/home/myname/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin) rather
> then the deploy directory (axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/deploy) - but
> this breaks the config files located in axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/etc ??? 
>         And finally, why do we install Xerces if the library is 
> already provided? 
>         Another note - the empty README.txt files scattered 
> everywhere are a nice touch on the whole confusion thing. 
> Transport_http:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/ 
>         Again - there is no anywhere??? 
>         There is a "" - so I point it to that. 
> ***************************************** 
> What is 
> ***************************************** 
>         There is a line in the documentation which is not in the 
> sample config file: 
>         Channel_HTTP:
> /usr/local/axiscpp_deploy/lib/ 
>         Of course, there is no "" on 
> the filesystem. 
>         There is a - no "transport" in the name, 
> but it's the closest I have. 
> ****************************************** 
> Is Channel_HTTP needed in the config file?  Docs & sample are 
> What is 
> ****************************************** 
> Now my config file looks like this: 
> WSDDFilePath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/etc/server.wsdd 
> ClientLogPath:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/log/AxisClientLog 
> XMLParser:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/axis/ 
> Transport_http:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/axis/ 
> Channel_HTTP:/home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-
> bin/deploy/lib/axis/ 
> On to the next step... 
> 6. Setting Axis files to be executable 
>         chmod -R 777 $AXISCPP_DEPLOY 
>         Ok, I'll do it - but it makes me nervous setting stuff 
> related to server or CGI stuff to 777  I'll play with this later if 
> I get things working. 
> 7. Configure Apache Module 
>         Ok, I cut and pasted the stuff from the documentation 
> directly into my httpd.conf file: 
>         LoadModule axis_module modules/ 
>         <Location /axis> 
>          SetHandler axis 
>          </Location> 
>         The copy the module to the apache module directory: 
>         cp ./lib/axis/ /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ 
>         And then restart apache - to the following error message: 
> "Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 992 of 
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: Cannot load 
> /etc/httpd/modules/ into server: libaxis_server.
> so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" 
>         There is a - but the apache user doesn't 
> know about it, because the new LD_LIBRARY_PATH isn't set for that user. 
>         So I add the following lines to /etc/ 
> /home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/deploy/lib 
> /home/myname/WebService/axis-c-1.6b-Linux-trace-bin/deploy/lib/axis 
>         and run ldconfig. 
>         I try to start apache again, and now get the following: 
> "Starting httpd: httpd: Syntax error on line 992 of 
> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf: API module structure `axis_module' in 
> file /etc/httpd/modules/ is garbled - perhaps this
> is not an Apache module DSO?" 
> I have no idea what this means - I'm stuck.  I made a brief attempt 
> at the axis c++ source install - and quickly got bogged down there as 
> So ... any suggestions? 
> Can I expect the rest of the learning curve for this tool to be as 
> convoluted and poorly documented.  If so, I may cut my losses and 
> find another way. 
> I'd really like this to work though, because everything I want to do
> as a web service already exists as C/C++ code.  Wrapping it to an 
> intermediate language will be a PITA - the most likely candidate 
> would seem to be JAVA, which I don't know.  So re-writing it to that
> language isn't feasible either.  So I hope I can make this work. 
> Thanks 
> Eric 

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