

I replaced axutil_array_list_set with axutil_array_list_add and every
thing seem to work fine.






From: Raghu Udupa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2008 10:34 PM
Subject: Get error while parsing an XML message containing a complex
type at axis2_http_server


I am using wsdl2c to generate code with data binding. I have been able
to send and receive messages when XML message contains simple types.


But, I have one unbounded array element FaxDataFiles defined as

<xsd:element name="FaxDataFiles">


   <xsd:documentation>The list of files to be faxed</xsd:documentation>




    <xsd:element ref="ft:Data" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>




 <xsd:element name="Data">


   <xsd:documentation>The file to be faxed</xsd:documentation>




    <xsd:element name="FileContent" type="xsd:string">


      <xsd:documentation>The content of the file to be faxed (MIME



    <xsd:element name="FileType" type="xsd:string" maxLength="100">


      <xsd:documentation>The type of the file to be








Further, message request is defined as


<xsd:element name="ProcRequest">



    <xsd:element ref="ft:BASETID"/>

    <xsd:element ref="ft:CONTROLTID"/>

    <xsd:element ref="ft:DELIVERYTID"/>

    <xsd:element ref="ft:PHONE"/>

    <xsd:element ref="ft:StartTime"/>

    <xsd:element ref="ft:StopTime"/>


I get the following error at axis2_http_server


[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
context_handler within the phase PostDispatch

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [debug] class_loader.c(140)
shared lib loaded successfully

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [error] src/adb_FaxDataFiles_type0.c(233)
Data (@minOccurs = '1') only have 0 elements

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [error] src/adb_ReceiveFaxRequest.c(1498)
failed in building adb object for element FaxDataFiles

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [error] src/adb_ReceiveFaxRequest.c(1508)
failed in setting the value for FaxDataFiles

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [error]
axis2_svc_skel_ReceiveFaxManagerService.c(166) NULL returnted from the
ReceiveFaxRequest_deserialize: This should be due to an invalid XML

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [debug] raw_xml_in_out_msg_recv.c(382)

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [debug] phase.c(210) Invoke the handler
AddressingOutHandler within the phase MessageOut

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [info]  Starting addressing out handler

[Tue Sep  9 22:25:59 2008] [info]  Request served in 0.006 seconds

[Tue Sep  9 22:27:15 2008] [info]  Received signal SIGINT. Server
shutting down

[Tue Sep  9 22:27:15 2008] [info]  Terminating HTTP server thread


I am populating all parts (parameters) properly as defined in xsd schema
file. In addition, FaxDataFiles structure contains one entry (That is,
one Data element).


I appreciate any advice as to how to resolve this issue.



Raghu Udupa


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