Hello list,

I have a strange behavior and hopefully someone can help me. I have
implemented a simple service and I want
to access the shared memory of the apache daemon. The service stores a
object, which can perform some basic
mathematical operations and store a value.

In the first call of the service the shared variable is initialized and
stored with a value in the shared
memory. Every following call should get the shared variable, add two
numbers and store it in the shared variable
(setLaenge(int a) in myadd.cpp). The result should look like this: first
call 10, second call 19, third call 28 and so on,
increasing with nine for every following call.

The problem know is that I only get the correct value from the service
every third call, but then the right value. For the
other calls I always got the same, invalid value. It looks like first
call 10, second call -1211088511, third call -1211088511,
fourth call 19 and so on. I tested it on two servers with an older and
newer apache, having the same behavior, but other
incorrect values. If I test the service with the axis simple server
everything works fine, but I don't know if I can test the
shared memory with the simple server?

My question now is: Does anybody knew this behavior? Maybe I have
implemented something wrong and attached
the service. It would be very nice, if someone can have a look inside my

Kind regards

Attachment: service.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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