Hi there!

I'm using the ADB generated code to write some small apps (samples for
an API). I'd like to make this code as correct as possible, since
developers will be using it as a reference, but I can't find anything
in the documentation as to what exactly I'm supposed to free or not.

In the samples I start by creating the environment, some headers, the
service and a request. I assume I have to free all of these, since I
created them.
However, I'm not so sure about anything created by the framework
(namely, the service response). Is it safe to free these myself or
will the framework try to, at some point? Anything else I should look
out for?

Looks like the code samples included with Axis don't do any "free"ing,
so it's hard to tell what's the right procedure.

Thanks in advance!


Sérgio Gomes
Developer Relations

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