WS -Security (Rampart/C), WS- Security Policy ,WS-UsernameToken, WS-
Addressing are fully supported. In addition WS-Reliable
messaging(Sandehsa2/C) and WS-Eventing (Savan/C) specs are fully
supported by Axis2/C. 


On Mon, 2009-02-02 at 02:42 -0800, jayant wete wrote:
> Hi,
> I am implementing web service application using axis2c. The main
> requirement is the implementation has to be according to the WS -*
> protocols. Following protocols are mandatory. Please let me know is
> axis2c supports these protocols and if not are there any plans or any
> development is going on to support these protocols.
> WS Protocols required to support are:---
> a)     WS – Security Framework
> b)     WS – Discovery 
> c)     WS – Addressing
> d)     WS – Security Policy
> e)     WS-Base Notification
> f)       WS-Topics 
> g)  WS-UsernameToken 
> Thanks in advance...........
> Jayant  

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