Hi All, 

Question : How do I do the exception handling in axis cpp client so that 
correct relevant message is printed out ? 

Detailed description below : 

I am new to Web services. I have a requirement to write C++ client to call a 
customer's web services. My client code has to run on many platforms : Win32, 
AIX, Solaris, HP-Itanium, Linux. I am playing with both gSoap and Axis C++ 
client versions on Windows first. 

I am using axis-c-1.6b-Win32-trace-bin binaries on Windows 2000 Advanced Server 
(my laptop). 

My customer's web service is written in Axis for Java. 

First I tried simple examples, and they are working fine :  Calculator, hello 
world etc. 

But when I try calling my customer's web service (real life) example with axis 
client as well as with gSoap client, I am unable to get the actual exception 

Question : How do I do the correct exception handling so that correct relevant 
message is printed out ? 

Bacause I am sending invalid business data, I get HTTP 500. But as you can see 
in the return HTTP message below, the business exception / fault string is 
"TruckID EXAMPLE-5 cannot be found" but instead I get "Cannot deserialize" with 
Axis and "HTTP 500 error" with gSOap.

This post is only regarding Axis, so I am not expecting any replies regarding 

Below, I have used MacDonalds as an example. They are not my customer :) 

Thanks a LOT in advance !!

Below is my client code : ------------------------------------

       CustomerService service;
       TruckObject * createdTruckId = service.callCustomerMethod( 
"EXAMPLE-5","BBB" );
catch(AxisException& e)
       printf("Exception : %s\n", e.what());

I also tried : 
catch( SoapFaultException & e)
       const char *excpCode = e.getFaultCode();
       const char *excpMessage = e.getFaultString();
       printf("Got Soap Fault : code : [%d], message : [%s]\n", excpCode, 
catch( AxisException& e)
       int iExceptionCode = e.getExceptionCode();
       const char *excpMessage = e.getMessage();
       printf("Got axis exception : code : [%d], message : [%s]\n", 
iExceptionCode, excpMessage);       

Below is my client run result : ------------------------------------

Exception : Cannot deserialize the requested element
if I print e.exceptionCode(), I get 72. 

Below is what the customer's http server returned : 

HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=EE7CCB1E9C3F32E1E340387CEFB3C39C; Path=/dm
Content-Type: text/xml;charset=utf-8
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 14:35:29 GMT
Connection: close

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soapenv:Envelope 
 TruckID EXAMPLE-5 cannot be found [R00007]; nested exception is: 
com.MacDonalds.common.exceptions.RecordDeletedException: E20010 TruckID 
EXAMPLE-5 cannot be found [R00007]</faultstring><detail><ns1:hostname 


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