On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 13:41 -0500, Sam Carleton wrote:
> I am new to web services and am wondering which I am better off using:
> Axis2/C or Axis-C++
> My preference is to work in C++, I am more comfortable in the OO
> world,

You can also try WSO2/WSF-CPP [1], It wraps AXis2/C and You can expose
Your C++ classes as web services, and also you can write C++ clients to
invoke web services. The other thing is it already supports WS-Security
and WS-Reliable messaging in the near future.

[1] http://wso2.org/projects/wsf/cpp


>  but am willing to work with Axis2/C if that is the most
> current/stable of the two.
> Sam

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