On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Samisa Abeysinghe <sam...@wso2.com> wrote:
> Sam Carleton wrote:
>> You would be correct that this is very WSDL related, but the engine is
>> Axis2/C, which is why I posted here.  If there is a pure WSDL forum to post
>> these types of questions, I would love to know where to find it!!!  I
>> learned a long time ago that you get quicker responses when you post to the
>> correct forum!
> If it is Axis2/C specific, ask the question that way. Point to the code
> location, and explain what you tried to do. Just don't throw in random
> question on generic WS stuff in here.


Please let me try my reply one more time:

1: I *DO NOT* think this is Axis2/C specific, I *DO NOT* thing this
really has anything to do with Axis/2C other than the engine I am
using is Axis2/C.

So I **KNOW** this is off topic, please forgive me for not putting
[OT] in the subject, which I have now added.

2:  As I said before:

If there is a pure WSDL forum to post these types of questions, I
would love to know where to find it!!!  I learned a long time ago that
you get quicker responses when you post to the correct forum!

Samisa, if you don't know personally of a WSDL forum, then say so!
Maybe a useful comment that is a touch outside the original question
rather then just telling me to go away might be helpful, such as....
from what I can tell, if one is going to really work in the world of
Web Services, especially Axis2/C web services, s/he is going to need
to know WSDL pretty darn well, so...  one could imagine that you might
know more about WSDL then I do, why don't you enlighten me as to where
and/or how you learned what you know about WSDL?

I have no objection to doing the work, I just cannot find anywhere to
go to learn it!  Maybe some good books, web sites (other than the darn
WSDL specs that always make me fall asleep), etc.  Any specific
suggestions would be helpful.  I say specific because for some reason
folks on mailing lists love to respond with: Google the topic.  I
don't have 3 years to search through the millions of hits one finds on
WSDL's, I am looking for a few good sources of info.  I am willing to
pay money for it too, let it be a book, or even service from some
company like WSO2.

I have searched Amazon, but most of the books are about Web Servies
not WSDL's, are there any in particular that focus more on the WSDL's?
 (I have asked in other posts here about where to go on info on WS-*
and gotten a little help, but still not a lot).

In the end, there seems to be a big gap in my knowledge between the
HTTP protocol and the Web Service operation being called in whatever
language you are operating.  I am simply trying to find a good source
to fill in that gap.


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