Thanx Nadir.
I will checkout the code and try to build the binaries.
When is the next major release?

Bobby Lawrence
MIS Application Developer

Jefferson Lab (

Office: (757) 269-5818
Pager: (757) 584-5818

Nadir Amra wrote:

If you are using existing binaries to try out Axis C++, then you will have problems. You should build new binaries from SVN and try again. I believe VC++ project or ant can be used to build the new binaries.

Yes, we plan on releasing new binaries.....some time.
Nadir Amra

Bobby Lawrence <> wrote on 04/29/2009 04:31:33 PM:

[image removed]
document literal stub problems

Bobby Lawrence


04/29/2009 04:32 PM

Please respond to "Apache AXIS C User List"

Ok - I see a lot of people complaining about getting the C++ client talking to an Axis Java service and running into serialization issues (the server side complaining about unknown elements). I am running into the same issue, but I think I know what the real
problem is.
First off, Axis requires that you call Stub.setOperation() or nothing will exist in the Body of your SOAP envelope. Ok - that all fine an dandy because you end up with an XML element with the name of
service in your SOAP body. Except that you still have to add your
Well - parameters in document literal services don't get wrapped within another element. If you have a doc/lit service that has an operation called "echoString" and the parameter type is an xsd:string, the "echoString" element in the SOAP body is understood to contain the string parameter....not a separate element that contains the string
When you add a parameter in the Stub (usually generated for you), Axis C++ adds another element to the 'operation/method' element of the SOAP body, so you end up with something like this (not exactly because of other Stub generation issues discussed later):

<ns1:echoString xmlns:ns1="";>
    <myStringParam>some string</myStringParam>

For a document/literal service, the SOAP body should look like this:

<ns1:echoString xmlns:ns1="";>
    some string

At first I thought it had something to do with my generated Stub.
When I first used WSDLWs to generate my Stub, it ignored my parameters completely. This is because of a un-documented option to the tool -w (for whether or not to generate "wrapped" types). Well - this option is referenced in the Axis C++ webpage for the tool, but you can't use the option because of the code in the org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2ws.WSDL2Ws Java tool.

if(clargparser.isSet("w") && !"wrapped".equalsIgnoreCase
        return false;

Essentially, if you pass the -w option, anything except "wrapped" will abort processing of the tool, even though "nonwrapped" is an
I had to create my own WSDL2Ws tool to get around this issue, but it
doesn't solve the problem.
Even with the "nonwrapped" option, the method calls to the Stub have
the correct signature now, but the Stub still generates a wrapped element with the "addParameter" method invocation on the Call.

I can't find a way around this.  Maybe if I checked out the Axis C++
source code and modified it and built it myself.
Every other client I've created for this type of service works except the Axis C++ client...

Also - the generated Stubs have a slight bug in them in that the method "checkFault" on the Call object should take in the service's namespace as the second parameter, but the generated code puts the endpointURI in for this param. I haven't gotten far enough to find out if this is an issue, but it probably is...

Anyway - I just wanted to let folks know that this is probably a bug
in the Axis C++ "Call" object design.
There needs to be a way to add un-wrapped parameters to an operation
to support document/literal services.

Bobby Lawrence
MIS Application Developer

Jefferson Lab (

Office: (757) 269-5818
 Pager: (757) 584-5818

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