On Sat, May 2, 2009 at 5:18 AM, Sam Carleton <scarle...@miltonstreet.com>wrote:

> Folks,

hi Sam,

> I am after the latest greatest WSDL2C, which from my understanding is in
> the Axis2/Java nightly build.
> I happen to be one of those C/C++ developers that does not know Java all
> that well.  I have pulled down the code from SVN, installed Maven and the
> JDK.  I have managed to get the nightly build to build, but now what?
> Should I deploy it?  If so how?  If not, what do I set the %AXIS2_HOME% to
> so that the WSDL2C.bat can find the correct code?

WSDL2C tool uses axis2 libs to generate code. You don't have to deploy
axis2- but need to unzip and set the AXIS2_HOME such that it points to the
installation directory of axis2.  If you have a look in the README
file(inside bin/tools/wsdl2c  folder in axis2/c) it has the instructions to
run the tool together with some usage scenarios.


> Sam


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