Hi, All,

I am trying to use axis2/c to develop a web service client that will consume 
RESTFUL web services. I have the following questions:

(1) What security mechanisms are supported for consuming restful web services? 
BASIC authentication (both plainText and Digest)? HTTPS/SSL? and anything else? 
I assume WS-security does not apply here, right?

(2) I also wonder what the format of the request and resposne has to be for 
consuming RESTFUL web services? Do they have to be in XML format (including 
html)? or can be just anything like plaintext string or even empty? It seems to 
be that at least in HTTP GET, all you need is a URL that points to the 
resource, you really don't need anything in the payload. 

(3) I am wondering if AXIS2/c can deal with a request with no payload, and in 
the case of plainText string in the request and respone, how the payload is 
going to look like. The examples I read from the axis2/c distribution all 
suggests that an XML format (there are XML tags) is assume for the payload, is 
this assumption correct?



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