Dasarath Weeratunge wrote:

--- Aleksander Slominski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At first all entities in OM were nodes—using a burned
in linked list. Later Attributes and Namespaces were
stored using hash-maps and people were in doubt as to
whether we need this burned in linked structure at

The use of collection classes like ArrayList or Vector
instead of a linked structure will result in creating
more objects at runtime

where did this conclusion come from? data? my experience and cursory analysis of java.util shows that LinkedList requires 2 extra objects for each entry

and this would cost us
performance (in terms of throughput of the engine) as
the test shows.

i have serious doubts about that - ArrayList (and Vector) takes less memory as they do not need to keep a wrapper (LinkedList.Entry) that has next/previous link whereas ArrayList has just allocated memory for actual objects + some empty slots (typically less than half of size) + size (int).

for small size not only array access is faster but it may take less memory. in particular only difference is that linked list allows fast inserts - how important is that? typical element have only few children (0-8 or less) so insertion is very cheap even for arrays

and anyway that could be tunable as both LinkedList and ArrayList *implements* List

so use List and allow switching if it becomes a problem ...

However, traversing and searching must
also be looked into. The tests indicate that
collection classes do not give us any advantage on
sequential traversals either.

well it is not clear to me and i see no proof to convince me at all...

In fact they seem add a
significant overhead. As for the question of whether
such traversals are done at all, please have a look at

In short, a linked structure seems better than using
collection classes but not when entities are retrieved
by QName. In this case the new tests that I have added
gives *a hint* that the benefit gained by hashing out
performs its overhead even for small numbers of
attributes as 4~5.

this is obvious - however keep in mind that majority of elements have lest than 2 attributes and any hashtable is very memory heavy as it allocates slots table (see for example HashMap impl in java.util ...)

i think keeping memory footprint usage low is way more important then 0...01% improvements in performance ...

What’s the whole point of all this? We are not trying
to optimize a legacy system at this point with
time/cost/performance trade offs. Instead, we simply
want to select the best possible organization for OM.

easy to use and *flexible* API is much more important (as long it is possible to implement it with reasonable performance and low memory footprint ...)



Dasarath Weeratunge wrote:

Hi Alek,

have a look at


Sorry for the messup with the tabs!

i think you need to modify how you do calculations -
having 0 ms timings means you have either insanely fast or your
measurements are not right and need to be done for more iterations to calculate
averages - repeat calling testAL/LLElement so number of operations for
timing (defined as node creation or node visiting) is more or less
constant *independent* of number of children created / visited

i am surprised to find out that there is method
traverse() in *Element() class - no real application will use it so why to
test it?

anyway it is micro micro benchmark and i am
generally *extremely* skeptical about value of such tests ... what is this
test supposed to determine?

how results of this test reflects on SOAP processing
(especially with incremental tree building from input stream)?

i suspect that times spent traversing XML trees is
very very small (0 ;-)) for any round trip measurements - it would be
nice to know what parts currently takes most of time and then
profile/optimize that instead of doing micro benchmarks on parts that may
have no impact on overall performance ...



--- Aleksander Slominski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Dasarath Weeratunge wrote:

If you are in doubt about how much recent
architectural changes may have affected (or



performance please look at the following test



what is tab size you use? i am sure it is not 8
chars ...

i could not grasp what this table means and what


results - is it slower, faster, how much?


impl                                            N                       M       
                T                       S                       diff


LLElement(test1)                        200                     100             
        10000                                   1

ALElement(test2) 1 11


get(int index)
5 11
100 11

1 35 traverse/Iterator


                                                5                       35
                                                100                     35      


LLElement(test1)                        200                     10000           
100                                             6

ALElement(test2) 1 21


get(int index)
5 26
100 49

1 45 traverse/Iterator


                                                5                       50
                                                100                     72      




--- Eran Chinthaka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Hi all,

This will some relate to the thread "Doubt on


Element in SOAPFault".

AXIOM was not meant to check the compliance with
SOAP spec or anything else.
It will just hold the infoset. The reason behind


putting a SAAJ like api
on top of OM was to provide developer


For example, rather than
saying element.getFirstElement(), developers



envelope.getHeader(). So, that was the intention


providing that sort of
SOAP jargon in to Axiom. This was our initial


But later, some have put some checks in to the


SOAP api. And the
earlier thread also was asking about this

So I have a small question on this. What should


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