jayachandra wrote:

Hi there,
I planned to test a stub based style of invocation with this wsdl
[attached below- SimpleTest.wsdl].
Its the wsdl for a webservice which hosts a method of the signature
public String echoString(String inputString);
I started with wsdl2java to generate stubs for me. I then set out to
write a test client (this was lacking from wsdl2java artifacts that
got generated) that would just assume as if it was invoking a local
method named echoString on the stub. Strangely the method signature of
echoString(..) in the generated stub is seen to expect an XMLBeans
specific EchoStringDocument kind of object as its input parameter.
This makes us think that data binding is not facilitated to the user
fully. User shouldn't have to bore the onus of creating an
EchoStringDocument object and pass it as parameter to the stub method,
at least when he is using the stub based invocation, isn't it? Is this
feature on our wish list or am I missing something!?!
user is not sending a string but

                      <element name="echoString">
<element name="inputString" type="xsd:string" nillable="true"/>

that is sequence with exactly one element that maps to EchoStringDocument (methos names is really irrelevant in doc/literal).


The best way to predict the future is to invent it - Alan Kay

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