Some more thoughts.

As Ajith mentioned, there are some XMLBeans stuff within the WSDL module (madule - maven module). I'd like to keep the WSDL module clean from them and to move them to the codegen package (as Ajith proposed). So the codegen module will contain our data binding implementation + XML beans extensions + XYZ data binding extensions, etc.,

Hope you all will not request a new module for our data binding thingy :(.

-- Chinthaka

Ajith Ranabahu wrote:

Hi all,
The code generation stuff that is right now in the wsdl module (module in this context refers to a 'maven module') seems a bit out of place right now. It seems that the name 'databinding' for a module is also slightly confusing. So here's a small suggestion to make things look right.

1. Rename the 'databinding' module to 'codegen'
2. Move the code generation  classes to the newly renamed codegen module

Thoughts anyone ?

Ajith Ranabahu

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