Hi folks:

The second choice wouldn't be element.getNamespace(), it would be the default namepace. Both choices are valid depending on context, which is why I believe there was a switch on the Axis1 version of this logic (something like "enableDefaultNS" or something). Recommend a switch, and default to doing default namespace logic. So:

I disagree .. if you resolve a QName in the context of an element and if
the QName has no prefix then it must still be resolved as a qualified
name - thereby inheriting the default NS. That's what a QName of an attr
or an element resolved in the context of an element; so why should
QNames in content (attribute value or text value) be different?

So I'm -1 for adding two forms of this.


What does XSD say in this regard? things like XmlBeans have a qname type, so they must implement something. I'd hate to do something inconsistent from everything else.

IIRC, there are different interpretations for different usages/specs (XPath, XQuery, Schema, etc.), but it might be that this has been cleaned up by now and is more consistent. We needed the option for Axis 1.

We could certainly do the default-ns version now and add a non-defaulting version later if needed.


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