On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 14:07 -0500, Rajith Attapattu wrote:
> http://wadi.codehaus.org/ 
> Fankly I am no expert either, I am actually working on (discussion
> stage) adding HA-JNDI to WADI.
> Jeff Geneder and Jules Gosnel are the experts and according to Jeff the
> web session clustering works well with tomcat and jetty off the box.
> I can certainly look into how we can integrate WADI with Axis2 to enable
> clustering. (I am on vacation next week and will have time to play
> around with it if that's not too late)
> Also Jules is having a informal clustering session in ApacheCon hakethon
> area now, so if one of Axis guys can meet him or Jeff they can get more
> first hand information.
> Also once the ApacheCon is over I can get more support from them if I
> have questions about the integration.
> Let me know if this works.



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