Ooops! I meant ApacheCon. I was just discussing JavaOne with somebody earlier today ;)

Alex Boisvert wrote:

Hi (and hello to everybody I met at JavaOne!)

I was wondering if the current maintainer of AxisServlet could review the following changes to AxisServlet. The refactoring is aimed at improving the extensibility of AxisServlet by allowing the override of initConfigContext().

The use-case I am trying to support is to obtain a ConfigurationContext from JNDI (instead of directly loading from file system) to share ConfigurationContext between loosely-coupled components in different classloading hierarchies and/or where the configuration repository is not deployed in the servlet's /WEB-INF directory.

I'm open to other approaches if anyone has better ideas on how to abstract the initialization of the ConfigurationContext, such as enhancing the ConfigurationContextFactory. I was just going for the simplest solution to support this kind of extensibility.


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