Hello all,

I'm interested in seeing an official 1.4 release, so I took some time and looked at the diffs and svn logs between 1.3, 1.4-FINAL and trunk. I thought summarizing what I found might help people decide whether they want to vote in favor of releasing 1.4-FINAL as is, or support a release from trunk.

Fixes in 1.4-FINAL branch (that are not present in 1.3-FINAL):

No JIRA issue: Prevent an NPE when curMsg is null
AXIS-2314 - Axis leaking Session objects
AXIS-2267 - incorrect type serialization
AXIS-2232 - mappings in TypeDesc can't be GC'd
AXIS-2013 - deserialization of exception fails
AXIS-2281 - (docs fix)
AXIS-2278 - fix for memory leak caused by JavaUtils.enumMap
AXIS-2264 - org.apache.axis.client.Call implementation Bug => CurrentModificationException if an other VM is used (e.g. http:// www.cacaojvm.org) AXIS-2236 - Bad constructor with derived classes that inherit xs:any members

Fixes added in trunk:

AXIS-2365 - SOAPDocumentImpl calls MessageElement constructor with wrong arguments
AXIS-1995 - ServiceLifecycle.destroy() never called
AXIS-2347 - detatching the body of a soap envelope and trying to set its body with a new soap body results in a DOMException
AXIS-2346 - Issue with the way the localNames are created in WSDL2Java

Notable improvements in trunk:
(no JIRA issue cited) - changes to avoid using enum as a variable name
(no JIRA issue cited) - Add WS-Addr support; looks like the W3C level is still in progress
(no JIRA issue cited) - Fixed TCK test
(no JIRA issue cited) - use new clover jar
(no JIRA issue cited) - allow non-Axis code to set the current messagecontext (no JIRA issue cited) - allow SOAP processors that return 200 instead of 202
(no JIRA issue cited) - allow services to make operations one-way
(no JIRA issue cited) - more logic for msgProvider method search
(no JIRA issue cited) - turn off XML pretty print by default
(no JIRA issue cited) - various MessageContext logic improvements
(no JIRA issue cited) - allow clients to set the client engine's config file directly without manually creating a new FileProvider
(no JIRA issue cited) - de/serialization support for messageContext
(no JIRA issue cited) - Sample using XmlBeans serializer/deserializer

I noticed that there didn't seem to be any major improvements in 1.4- FINAL, only bugfixes. My thought is that since it contains new features, trunk might need more review before it can be released, especially since things like WSA support are still in progress and have checkins from as recently as yesterday. It also looks to me like most of the important fixes - like the NPE and the memory leaks - are already in 1.4-FINAL. So I give my +1 for releasing 1.4-FINAL as it stands as soon as possible since it would help Geronimo, with the caveat that it might be worth backporting AXIS-1995 since it looks like a memory leak and the change is fairly minor.

Bjorn Townsend

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