Sanjiva Weerawarana wrote:

On Wed, 2006-03-29 at 09:01 +1200, Dennis Sosnoski wrote:

Does WSDL 1.1 define QNames somewhere to require prefixes? This certainly isn't standard usage of the schema QName type. Schema considers QNames with no prefix to be using the default namespace for the context.

No, WSDL doesn't define that IIRC. However, when it uses the default
namespace then its still a qualified name. So if the schema is
targetnamespace-less then it still can't be referred to.
Am I missing something?
As long as there's no default namespace declared in the WSDL unqualified values are in the nonamespace namespace, the same as schema definitions with no targetNamespace. So references from the WSDL into the schema definitions are not a problem.

 - Dennis

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